Saturday, January 2, 2016

This Day in my Family History: William & Almira Holsclaw's Wedding

I hadn't planned on writing today but while looking over events in my family history in January, I discovered today is the wedding anniversary of my favorite couple in my family tree. William and Almira King Holsclaw were wedded on January 2, 1862 in Jennings County, Indiana. They were married an impressive 68 years before William passed away in 1930, and Almira soon after him in 1931. They were survived by five of their eight children, many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. They were buried in the Summerfield Cemetery (also known as the Vawter Cemetery), which lies on a hilltop above the Muscatatuck River in Selmier State Forest in Jennings County.

Two newspaper articles follow, published on January 2, 1924, and another on January 2, 1929, their 62nd and 67th anniversaries respectively. Many thanks to Don Stanwyck for passing them on to me.

January 2, 1924

On Wednesday, the second day of January this year, Mr. and Mrs.
Holsclaw celebrated in a very quite (sic) manner their 62nd wedding
    To be blessed with long life is a gift from God and to live for 62
years as man and wife, sharing together the joys as well as the sorrows
of this world is more than a blessing.
    We frequently read where some happy couple have lived to celebrate
their their 60th anniversary, but how often do we hear of one living to
celebrate their 62nd anniversary and as is the case with Mr. and Mrs.
Holsclaw in apparently good health.
    Mr. Holsclaw has one sister living, Mrs. Agnes Fredenburg, age 78 of
Westport, Ind., and Mrs. Holsclaw has a brother, George Alvin King of
Lincoln, Neb.
    Three brothers of Mr. Holsclaw's served thruout (sic) the Civil war.
    Mr. and Mrs. Holsclaw are noted thruout the neighborhood for their
generosity and kindness and it is with the fondest hopes that all their
friends wish them many more years of wedded life.
January 2, 1929
NORTH VERNON, Ind., January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Holsclaw today celebrated the sixty-seventh anniversary of their marriage at their home in Jennings County, just east of this city. They entertained their children and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Holsclaw were married by Mrs. Holsclaw's grandfather, the Rev. William Vawter, January 2, 1862 and their married life has been spent in what is known as the Deer Creek neighborhood. Mrs. Holsclaw was born at Deer Creek and is now eighty-six years old. Mr. Holsclaw was born in Garrett county, Kentucky, and is now ninety-three.

Their living children are: Ezra Holsclaw, living near Franklin; Mrs. Jennie Carson, Seymour; Mrs. Oscar Beeman, Jennings county; Harry Holsclaw, Auburn, Cal., and Mrs. H. A. Searles, Spokane, Wash. The have thirty grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
William and Almira are among my favorite ancestors, and I love to read about their life together. Have you found events in your ancestors' lives to write about on the anniversary of their happening? Let me know if you've joined the (temporarily named) This Day in my Family History challenge!

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